Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Friday, 8 April 2011
FINAL Group Ancillary
After much stressing about what kind of images we'd need for our Ancillaries Mariana took a lot of pictures of Myself using a phone - we thought that this would be not only relevant to our documentary but it portarys what our documentary is about which is Language and Technology.
As for the Double Page Spread Mariana continued the idea of using the spelling test but managed to make it brighter when taking the picture in her home with the Photography camera that she owns.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Friday, 25 March 2011
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Starting Ancillary
I am personally looking forward to creating my Ancillary because I get the chance to work on Photoshop and In Design, which will allow me to develop my technology skill in both the software mentioned.
I believe it is a good skill that I can learn, use and add to the list of skills that I developed from AS Foundation Portfolio to A2 Advanced Portfolio, which is the whole point of Year 13 - talking about how I have progressed in this subject on my own.
Below is my Research & Planning for my Ancillary in PowerPoint format;
Monday, 14 March 2011
Friday, 11 March 2011
Final Draft and Evaluation Due
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Saturday Editing
We are in school to focus on getting our Documentary finished for our FINAL DEADLINE (which is the 11/03/11) we don't have many problems with our documentary as all our clips are in place and edited but the only thing we have to sort out is where the music we have chosen for our Documentary will be placed.
This day is also good for us because it gives us the chance to talk to our teacher about any last minute changes she might want us to make on our production before we show it to her as our FINAL piece.
We can also focus on completing our Evaluation which is also due on the 11/03/11, and because we can only work on one computer we are having to manage our time carefully to make sure that we are putting as much effort into our Evaluation as we are into our Documentary.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Documentary - Fourth Draft
Feedback on Fourth Draft;
The ident was good with straight to the point information about Documentary.
The presenter part &in between shots were really good throughout the documentary.
The music definitely improved in co-ordination with the moving picture.
The use of teachers as a professional opinions and views.
The voice overs with the stop start animation.
Typing shots still far too long.
Could not hear the question the presenter asked the public interviewees or their responses.
Monday, 28 February 2011
Losing Priority & Taking Charge
Miss had put me in charge of making sure that the information for our Evaluation is being put together and that I am filming what need to add to it to answer the Evaluation Questions in the Syllabus. I was more than happy to take on this role as I have been feeling left out of the group and taking control of the Evaluation would let me be part of the decision making but also allow me to construct the Evaluation in a creative way, but of course I would not be doing it alone I am always running my ideas past the other members of my group and asking them for their input also, because the only way we will get both our Documentary and Evaluation finished is if we work together as a group.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Holiday Editing
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Documentary - Third Draft
Today is the DEADLINE for our 3rd Draft and we are feeling pretty confident about what we have done, we know there are a few things that need to be added or changed but tomorrow we are getting the chance to come in and miss will be able to tell us if there are any major as well as minor changes that she would recommend.
The feedback we got for this draft were;
Good improvements from our first & second draft.
But could still be improved in certain areas - just look over and see what could be missing.
The ident was too long/ it did not get to the point quick enough on the information of the Documentary.
The typing shots need to change angle or be removed all together.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Documentary - Second Draft
After showing our 2nd Draft to our Target Audience, this was their response;
The ident we used was good.
Our sop start animation.
and the use of our Timeline.
It as incomplete.
It was too short (under the 5minute expected).
No backing music - made it boring & was repetitive.
The music comes in at the wrong time resulting in a lack of cordination with the images & sound.
The ethnographic was long & repetitive.
The presenter came in far too late.