Saturday, 5 March 2011

Saturday Editing

Today is Saturday and seeing as I wasn't able to come to the previous half-term dates that were set, I had some catching up to do, but it wasn't a problem. After missing those dates and a few days of school I was more than happy to get stuck into the work we needed to do, especially on the Evaluation which is also due in on the same day as our FINAL DRAFT of our Documentary.
We are in school to focus on getting our Documentary finished for our FINAL DEADLINE (which is the 11/03/11) we don't have many problems with our documentary as all our clips are in place and edited but the only thing we have to sort out is where the music we have chosen for our Documentary will be placed.
This day is also good for us because it gives us the chance to talk to our teacher about any last minute changes she might want us to make on our production before we show it to her as our FINAL piece.
We can also focus on completing our Evaluation which is also due on the 11/03/11, and because we can only work on one computer we are having to manage our time carefully to make sure that we are putting as much effort into our Evaluation as we are into our Documentary.

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