Monday, 13 September 2010

New Year

So it's another year of media before Uni.
At first the idea of doing media was quite daunting for me, but i feel that continuing with media was a good idea. I'm quite excited to see what i will come up with this year.

My Grades for last year;

For the Production side i got a - B

I was pretty surprised when my teacher told me that i had gotten a B. This was because my group and i had a few problems getting along at the start so my enthusiasm was really low and i didn't feel motivated to help out. However after a meeting or two with our teacher we managed to sort out our differences and work everything out with our production. I thought it was to late to be able to get a good grade and i would have accepted a low grade. But i am really glad that Miss saw how much effort i was trying to put into our production toward the end and how much i was willing to help out, so I'm really happy about my Production Grade.

For the exam side i got a - D

I was a little disappointed at the grade i got because i thought i had done quite well in the exam, i thought i made sure i had written down all the information i remembered and that i would have gotten at least a C but i must have been missing something from what i had written, or a piece of vital information i hadn't remembered to put in.

Overall I'm pretty pleased with the grades i got because it means that i got a C with both parts put together and I'm feeling very confident about this year that i can achieve a B maybe even possibly an A and i can't wait to get started.

Targets for me to improve this year;

Target 1 - Blog a lot more and often so remembering details through the year about my production won't be as hard as it was last year.

Target 2 - Keep myself motivated and focused through the year so i can achieve the grade i want at the end of the year.

Target 3 - Finding more time to spend in the media room working on my production and research etc.

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