* Good Ideas.
* In depth research of ideas were good.
* Second and Third idea could be produced by going into schools and talking to teachers.
* Ideas need to be explained slightly better.
* To text heavey - in some slides.
2. Comments from Teacher
* Clear, confident speaker.
* Organised - vivid colourful slides.
* Superb video and research - Amazing topic.
* Excellent research of the articles.
* Institutional research is excellent.
* Inspiration from "underage and pregnant"
- the voiceover = reflects the message/ portrayal of characters.
* Understand audience.
* Planning of 1-6 episodes (IDEA 3)
- questions are excellent (1, 2 and 4).
* The concept of the language documantary (IDEA 3).
* Aim for the language documentary could be the first question in episode plan - "Why street slang and text message speack are becoming increasing popular, is Standard English dying out?"
* Could link IDEA 1 and 3 together - say the effect technology has on language nowardays.
* IDEA 1 -> What technology - must be more specific - to much information.
* IDEA 2 -> Drama or Horror? - maybe each episode is a different genre - OR - sexulaity, crime, intelligence, speech.
* IDEA 3 -> Explore the debate of Standard English and Slang.
- what is the connection between language and region/ use personal history - why has it changed.
- what are the effects of increasing technology.
- questions for the series 1, 2 and 4 where the best questions to ask.
* Why was underage and pregnant one of influences - why do people watch it.
* A lot of information on channel slide.
* BBFC is wrong - Documentaries use Ofcom.
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