Monday, 20 December 2010

Documentary - First Draft

While watching it personally and with the rest of my class mates I knew that most if not all of our documentary would have to be re filmed as a lot of the sequence was very minimal and basic and that's not what my group members and I want. We want to make a documentary that allows people to learn something that perhaps they did not know before, from what we are showing them.

Friday, 12 November 2010


Me and my group looked at various documentaries and where they were shown. We were between channel 4 and BBC Three as both of them show similar documentaries on their channel. After taking a close look at the research we decided the our documentary will be best classified as BBC Three because it's where the target audience that we are aiming are.
BBC Three show entertaining and factual documentaries which is what we are planning to do.

Details: First broadcast BBC Three, 9:00PM Thu

Potential Target Audience

As tomorrow is our deadline, as a group we have each decided to take on a role in order to get the research and planning completed!

We have decided:
*Potential Target Audience - done
*Actors, locations, costume, and props - done
*Shotlist, script and storyboard - done
*Short term and long term planning - done
*Music - done


My Part;

Thursday, 11 November 2010


As Jamilla is our main presenter she has written a script which she will follow when presenting the documentary.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Short Term/ Long Term Plan

Both Short and Long term were written up by Mariana:

The Short Term Plan:
The Long Term Plan:

Friday, 5 November 2010

Costume and Props

As Jamilla is our main presenter she has put together a powerpoint for the costume and props that she will be using when we do film her.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Tobore who we choose to be the director of the group has also been looking at music that we could use in our documentary so that it attracts and relates to the audience.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Our Fist Day Filming

We went filming in Trafalgar Square and Carnaby Street today.
We all took part when using the camera to film, Jamilla and Mariana took pictures to document our day as evidence.
Tobore was the main director.
the questions were asked by Myself to members of the public that Jamilla was finding to help us film the publics responses to our questions.
We explained what our production was about to reasure them that it would not be shown on national TV and they were more than happy to share their opinions with us.

Below are the pictures that was taken on the day:
1. Tobore in Carnaby Street
2. Me and Jamilla filming in Carnaby Street
3. Jamilla trying to find some people for us to interview
4. Me, Jamilla and Mariana - filming in Trafalgar Square

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Locations we have chosen to film/ Questions we will ask the public

Below are the locations that we have chosen to film our documentary in:
1. Convent

2. Carnaby Street
3. Trafalgar Square

As tomorrow we are going filming i have come with questions that we can ask the public.
I have taken these question from my very first individual presentation.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Roles within Group

Together as a group we chose who was going to do what job within filming the documentary.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Group Task 2

For our second group task we were given lists in which as a group we decided who would do out.
My part of the task were;

*Interviews: take photos and video clips.
*Expert opinions/ quotes/ interviews.
*What the whole series is about: the topic/ question - actual name of documentary.
*Who is the target audience.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Example of Logo/ Name of Documentary

The example of the logo was thought up by Mariana

Our name for the documentary 'Slanguage' was also made up by Mariana

Sunday, 3 October 2010

First Group Task

For our first group task we had each looked at;
* 2 TV Documentaries and
* 2 Film Documentaries.

We looked at the different documentaries individually then put our presentations together.
We had to look for - shots we thought we could apply to our own documentary and also look for documantaries that link into what our documentary is about.

Below is my part of the presentation with videos that i found useful.

I used an orange background to show that the work was my part of the presentation.

Jade Goody Living TV - Jade Bride To Be Part One

Say_What? a short documentary about slang (2009)

Slang terms 2006

Social Slang

Brixton Beach

Black or White

Home (english with subtitles)

Friday, 1 October 2010

First Group Meeting

Today we were put into our groups and came up with a colour key for ourselves so we could mark who has done what within the group;

Jamillia Joseph (Purple)
Mariana Cardoso (Pink)
Tobore Igbiri (Green)
Victoria Queiroz (Orange) - Myself

In our First Group Metting we have chosen to take forward my slang idea as it was the strongest idea out of the group. We then developed my idea further by discussing the aim and what the purpose of the documentary was going to be.
The purpose that we have come up with together is to inform teenagers about their use of language, with interviews of parents, teachers and teenagers. Our aim "Does informal language have a place in society" with focus on slang being used within education.
Time Sequence:

Slang = Language consisting of words and experssions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative and vulgar.


1-2 minutes:
Channel intro,
Title intro,
Brief history on slang and
Presenter announcing to viewers our aims and purpose(Preview of show, with short highlights).

2-4 minutes:
Our views,
Interviews (some of slang translation)
Statistics of our research (creative)
Other views (For and Against)

4-5 minutes:
Conclusion addressing question "Does informal language have a place in society"
'Next on Slanguage'
Credits (with our names, the logo and made up web site)

So far we have;

  • Chose an idea to take forward
  • Developed it further
  • Created a rough time sequence - to give us a rough idea of the time limit we had
  • Came up with a name for both our documentary and our production
  • Documentary = SlanGuage
  • Production = JMTV Documentary - (a combination of our initials)

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Evaluation on Individual Presentations

1. Comments from students in my class

* Good Ideas.
In depth research of ideas were good.
Second and Third idea could be produced by going into schools and talking to teachers.

* Ideas need to be explained slightly better.
To text heavey - in some slides.

2. Comments from Teacher

Clear, confident speaker.
Organised - vivid colourful slides.
Superb video and research - Amazing topic.
Excellent research of the articles.
Institutional research is excellent.
Inspiration from "underage and pregnant"
- the voiceover = reflects the message/ portrayal of characters.
Understand audience.
Planning of 1-6 episodes (IDEA 3)
- questions are excellent (1, 2 and 4).
The concept of the language documantary (IDEA 3).
Aim for the language documentary could be the first question in episode plan - "Why street slang and text message speack are becoming increasing popular, is Standard English dying out?"
Could link IDEA 1 and 3 together - say the effect technology has on language nowardays.

* IDEA 1 -> What technology - must be more specific - to much information.
IDEA 2 -> Drama or Horror? - maybe each episode is a different genre - OR - sexulaity, crime, intelligence, speech.
IDEA 3 -> Explore the debate of Standard English and Slang.
- what is the connection between language and region/ use personal history - why has it changed.
- what are the effects of increasing technology.
- questions for the series 1, 2 and 4 where the best questions to ask.
Why was underage and pregnant one of influences - why do people watch it.
A lot of information on channel slide.
BBFC is wrong - Documentaries use Ofcom.

Friday, 24 September 2010

First A2 Individual Media Presentation

We had 3 choices from the Advancements Production Options (APO)

1. Music Video - A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music video promo video. With - a DVD design and a magazine article

2. TV Documentary - An extract from a new documentary TV programme. lasting approximately five minutes together. With - a magazine cover (feature) and a poster.

3. Advertising Package - An advertising package for a new product or service. With - a web pop-up and a TV programme sonsorship sequence.

After brain storming the Advertisement and TV Documentary ideas.

I chose to develop ideas i had for the TV Documentary because one of the ideas i thought of really interested me.

Below is my individual presentation.

Monday, 13 September 2010

New Year

So it's another year of media before Uni.
At first the idea of doing media was quite daunting for me, but i feel that continuing with media was a good idea. I'm quite excited to see what i will come up with this year.

My Grades for last year;

For the Production side i got a - B

I was pretty surprised when my teacher told me that i had gotten a B. This was because my group and i had a few problems getting along at the start so my enthusiasm was really low and i didn't feel motivated to help out. However after a meeting or two with our teacher we managed to sort out our differences and work everything out with our production. I thought it was to late to be able to get a good grade and i would have accepted a low grade. But i am really glad that Miss saw how much effort i was trying to put into our production toward the end and how much i was willing to help out, so I'm really happy about my Production Grade.

For the exam side i got a - D

I was a little disappointed at the grade i got because i thought i had done quite well in the exam, i thought i made sure i had written down all the information i remembered and that i would have gotten at least a C but i must have been missing something from what i had written, or a piece of vital information i hadn't remembered to put in.

Overall I'm pretty pleased with the grades i got because it means that i got a C with both parts put together and I'm feeling very confident about this year that i can achieve a B maybe even possibly an A and i can't wait to get started.

Targets for me to improve this year;

Target 1 - Blog a lot more and often so remembering details through the year about my production won't be as hard as it was last year.

Target 2 - Keep myself motivated and focused through the year so i can achieve the grade i want at the end of the year.

Target 3 - Finding more time to spend in the media room working on my production and research etc.